Best Hosting Service provider: Want to host your website, but you are confused about the hosting provider to purchase web space for your website. As every hosting service provider claims to be the best and cheap. But how to know if a particular hosting provider is best for you. The only way to find the best hosting provider is to either use each host service individually or ask someone who is hosting their website with the particular hosting provider.
Here we have collected a bunch of data including bandwidth, uptime, cost and customer support from top 6 best hosting service provider on the internet. Stick to the article and you will soon be able to know the best hosting service provider company for you.
Own or planing to own a website. Every website owner wants to host their website on a reliable and trusted hosting provider server. In the era of digital marketing you website speed is everything. Sometimes we get confused about the hosting company and hosting service you should purchase.
Here’s what I did in order to find out the best web hosting provider:
- Signed up with 31+ most popular web hosts.
- Set up a blank (WordPress) website.
- Started to monitor their uptime and speed (still monitoring).
- Published reviews (and still accepting user reviews).
- The current ranking formula is based on the following: average uptime and average speed
- (2017 December to 2018 September) and cost for 6 to 12-month plans.
Best Hosting Service provider
#1. Bluehost:
Bluehost is the number one Hosting service provider with more than 2 million of customers around the globe. Great speed, nice bandwidth and unlimited web space is the great USP of Bluehost.
Uptime: 99.99% (1st in uptime) Cost: $2.75/mo (3-year plan) Support: Live Chat (avg. response ~5min) Bandwidth: Unlimited
In addition Bluehost provides nice customer support with highly professional and trained techies. Free Hosting migration and SSL certificate etc. Optimum for professional blogger and a website with high end traffic.
#2. HostGator Cloud:
VERY Strong Uptime of 99.97% (Over the last 10 months), Free Migrations,Daily Backup, Live chat support and free unlimited bandwidth make the HostGator Cloud ranking on number two.
However if you are a profession blogger and planning your web space for a long time, I don’t recommend you the Hostgator.
#3 SiteGround: is recommended by many different blogs and forums. It is also officially recommended by, Joomla and Drupal.
Highly Knowledgeable & Responsive Support,Unlimited Bandwidth,free Hosting migration, User friendly UI and less downtime makes rank on number 4 on the list.
#4. Hostinger:
Founded in November 2004, Soon it became popular among the profession blogger and website owners. With a customer base of over 32 Million across 178 countries. Hostinger is the best option for you.
Low downtime and highly professional tech support is available 24×7 to assist you. The maximum waiting time is 10 minutes. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee,Tons of Customer Support Options.
#5 iPage
Acquired in 2010 from founder Thomas Gorny. iPage is optimum web space provider for a blogger having low budget or the beginners.
Good Customer Support, Enhanced Security Options, Third Party Application Support, Upfront, Honest (Cheap) Pricing, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee, Strong Uptime of 99.98%
#6 WestHost
Founded in 1998 by Chris Russell, now merged with UK2 Group. West host is an average hosting provider to go with. But if you are a beginner and having a low budget it’s the best option.
A free domain name for life, Free migration and 30-days money back guarantee, Instant activation (!), Enhanced security with nightly backups, Uptime Right Below Industry Average.
In addition you can see a live static compared data from all top 31 best host provider
While spending on web space it is advised to invest in best and reliable hosting company because switching your hosting again and again and really tiresome stuff and the situation gets worst when you have a big website. Hope you like the compared review of the top hosting providers in internet.